Having a Job That Suits Our Life Goal. Is It Possible?



Have you ever asked yourself, “What am I here for? What is my life goal?” If so, have you found the answer? 🙂  Apart from whether we have found the answer or haven’t, we still have to do our daily routines.

There are two activities that spend a lot of time every day, they are sleeping and working. As an illustration, we sleep for 8 hours and we work for 8 hours as well. However, the activity that I want to underline again this time is our career, a job that we do every day. As I told you on the previous article, working should be one of our media to grow and develop.

Imagine that if we can unite our job and our life goal: working is no longer considered to be boring routine and problem that we face at work is no longer considered to be a burden in our life. Therefore, it is highly recommended to adjust our job to suit our life goal or even to unite our job and our life goal.

How do we do that? Following are 7 tips that you can try:

1. Follow your heart

Among many activities that you have done, there must be an activity that you love the most. Please contemplate what that activity is and why it is very interesting and satisfying to you.

Afterwards, you can see how something that you love can be useful to somebody else and can be a medium for you to grow and get income as well.

2. Keep calm

Usually, there are some of us who worry about job position and income. Trust me, if you do something with great desire and do it very well, you will get what you deserve to get/achieve, including your life goal.

3. Take a risk

Don’t be afraid to take a risk and make mistake. Whatever happens, you can get lesson from that.

4. Grow curiosity and want to try something new

If it’s hard to find a new job, you can start to try to be curious. You can start to know new people as well. Try to get involved in another activity at office. Thus, you will really feel the deep meaning of every new thing that you do at work.

5. Stay open minded

Having not been able to explore another job is not an obstacle to harmonize your job with your life goal. Keep your mind open and able to accept new thing whenever, wherever, and in any circumstances. Thus, you will be able to accept many suggestions and critics from people around you. Suggestion and critic can help you to develop yourself and achieve what you want J

6. Be like a kid

Kid is a figure who is so free, open, and honest. There is nothing wrong with keeping ‘kid’ in yourself active and enriching your point of view. Thus, you will be able to learn many things, full of love, and forgiving. You will be a good observer as well.

7. Do a research and find right mentor

You are not alone J There must be somebody else who deals with same thing like you. So, it is good for you to observe how people who had similar job to yours pursued their career. It is also good for you to utilize such information to better/give additional value to what have been done by people before you do.

From your seeking process, you may be able to find suitable mentor. Having mentor can help you to see what you can’t see concerning yourself. Mentor can also give you direction and therefore you can find solution to your problem and apply it.

Those are seven things that you can try to harmonize your job with your life goal. However, if these things are still unable to help you to find out what you really want, you can ask spiritual coach or spiritual companion like me to help you to find out what your true life goal is or what you seek in this life.

Finally, good luck and I hope you find this article useful! 🙂


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