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The whole therapy process takes approximately 5 hours in total which consist of:
1.5 – 2 hours of pretalk/ interview
1.5 – 2 hours of hypnotherapy
1 hour of discussion and explanation


Pretalk or Interview

Everyone has their own stories and each and everyone of us is unique. This introductory pretalk and interview is a vital part of the whole therapy process. We will explore all your needs and questions, as well as to give you more complete explanations about the hypnotherapy process you are about to experience.



The hypnotherapy session is divided into two parts. The first one is past life regression (PLR). You will be led to observe past lives in order to understand the ROOT CAUSE of your problems/ habits/ tendencies and talents of your current life. However, expect the unexpected! You may not always go into the past lives, some experience seeing their present life or even future life. Remember, I am not taking you anywhere. You go wherever you have to go.
The Subconscious is your loyal guardian who always guide you to the place where you have to stop, see, and learn.

After observing past lives, we are going to communicate with your Higher Self. This is when the actual healing takes place. This is where questions are ANSWERED, HEALING, and all the MIRACLES happen. Trust that the Subconscious will give you the perfect result, based on you actually need during the session.


Discussion and Explanation

After the hypnotherapy session, we will discuss your experience and run through your past lives as well as your answered questions. When needed, the therapist will also share her viewpoints and suggestions which will be beneficial for you.


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When the whole therapy session is finished, you are suggested to do as the following:

1. Go fill up your tummy and eat. You need the food which directly comes from the Earth to keep you grounded.

2. Get enough rest for yourself. If needed, feel free to take a nap or sleep earlier than usual.

3. You are NOT SUGGESTED to directly listen to the audio recording of your session as soon as you get into your car. The voice that you are listening to may bring you back into deep trance and this may distract you while driving.

4. You are suggested to listen to your audio recording frequently. The more you hear it, the more healing that will take place. Moreover, each time you listen to the recording, it is not uncommon that there will be new information or message being unfold to you — all will be for your better self.

5. Drink more water, at least after the session and few days after the session. Sometimes the detoxification process is still ongoing and whatever the body does not need can go out through your urine. In some cases, the detox process can manifest in headache, allergy, vomiting, and frequent urinating. Stay calm, rest assured that you are always protected.

6. Although your session is private, after it is done, it is your right and decision to share your experience and story to your family or best friends.


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