1st of May is Mayday, the day where labours celebrate their power and fight for their rights. However, not many of us understand what and who are the people who belong to labour category. According to Indonesia Big Dictionary (KBBI) labour means people who work for other people and get paid. In that case, we are all labour, aren’t we?
Why do I talk about Mayday? Well, I\\\’m not talking about politics here. But the thing that I want to underline is the struggle of the people, of the society, of us all. I believe we all feel the same way. Everyday each of us has our own struggle. Some people struggle for their family, some for a better life, and some for equality.
Even when we fight for the things that considered to be right, and we fight with all our power, we still have to deal with the shadow of a struggle. Either feeling tired, unlucky, or lost in every fight. Whatever it is, I would like to remind you that we are not alone!
Many other warriors are forging at the same time as you do. The preceptor spirits are also helping you. And so are the power animals and the archangels who continuously give you guidance and strength. And even more the universe which endlessly gives energy to all creatures. We are not alone!
We all have ambitions, goals and ideals to achieve. We also realize that a lot of things that happen to us are beyond our control. This is an endless struggle. But I do believe, with our firmness, caring towards each other and help from the perceptor spirits, angels and the universe, eventually we are all going to be fine and one by one our dreams will come true.
Good luck friends! Remember to share a little care along the way and spread the love when you may.