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About Amelia
Everything happens for a reason and I know our “meeting” here is more than just a coincidence.
As a writer and counselor, I have to admit that I am so interested in you. I love to support you through life and share happiness with you. Basically, I love you! My goal is to help you find out who you truly are and why you are here, and therefore, you are able to live as the true you while you’re here. I do that by giving you tools (writing, healing, reading, guided meditation, etc.) that you can immediately apply to improve your life, your relationship, your career, your health and many more than you can possibly dreamed of.
Like you, I also believe in the power of love and the power of mind. I have faith in my unlimited potential and capabilities, the help of Divine guidance, and the Divine that is within me, you, and all of us. Of course, I also want to see you grow. That is why I also serve through workshops, retreats, and even corporate training so that everyone can embrace spirituality in our daily life. You are welcome to join our beautiful community where we empower each other together.
Let me be your guide and supporter to live a happier, healthier and more meaningful life!
Witnessday Newsletter
Anak lelaki yang meminta Tuhan untuk menunggu sebentar
Suatu malam ada seorang anak lelaki yang sedang bersiap-siap untuk tidur. Seperti biasa, setiap malam sebelum tidur, di dalam kamarnya ia akan berlutut di kaki ranjang, menangkupkan tangan, dan berdoa kepada Tuhan. Juga malam itu. Anak laki-laki ini berdoa dengan sangat khusyuknya. Ia bersyukur atas kedua orangtuanya, makanan lezat yang ia santap, teman-temannya di […]
A boy asks God to wait for him for a little while
One night, there is a cute little boy preparing his way to sleep. Just like any other day, his usual routine every night before he goes to bed is to stay in his room, kneel down beside his bed, place his hands together and say his prayer to God. And so, that night he […]
Becoming a spiritual is not a trend
These days spirituality seems to become a trend in our world. Lots of people would love to be seen, to be heard, and to appear as spiritual. Starting from how people choose their food, their clothing, the pictures they share on facebook or instagram, or even, “jump on the bandwagon” and do yoga, eat […]