Earth Angel Realms – Take the Quiz!

Do you feel like you come from incarnated earth angel realms? Are you an Incarnated angels/ elementals/ starpeople/ wise ones? Take this quiz to find out!


Sourced from Doreen Virtue: Earth Angels, Hay House.

1. I tend to easily put on extra weight or I\\\’m currently overweight.
2. My past or current partners are addicts or alcoholics.
3. I rarely break a rule.
4. I have a hard time saying no.
5. I highlight, colour or bleach my hair.
6. I would prefer to help someone one-to-one than in a group setting.


7. Truth be told, I like animals or plants much better than I like people.
8. I have Celtic origins, or I look Celtic (reddish tint in hair, freckles or ruddy complexion).
9. I constantly play practical jokes.
10. I\\\’m quite the mischief maker, and seem to have a persistent twinkle in my eye.
11. I\\\’m fiercely independent and dont like following rules and authority.
12. My finances seem to be either feast of famine.


13.  I dont like being the center of attention, and I\\\’m usually a wallflower at social functions.
14. I\\\’ve always beleived in or been interested in ET\\\’s or UFO\\\’s.
15. I\\\’m compulsively thoughtful toward people, whether they express appreciation or not.
16. I conduct Reiki or other forms of hands-on healing.
17. My lifes mission is more important than getting married and having children.
18. I really would like to go home now, because I know the Earth isnt my home.


19. I had a life changing experience, such as a serious accident or near-death experience.
20. In the past, I was so miserable that I wanted to die and seriously considered (or attempted) suicide.
21. I have changed my first name, or am strongly considering doing so.
22. My freinds and family remark \\\”Your different now. Theres something about you thats not the same.\\\”
23. I have made, or am making drastic changes in my life simultaniously (such as moving, changing jobs and divorcing) all at once.
24. I have deep spiritual knowledge that did not come from any books or teachers.


25. Event though I know I\\\’m different from other people, I still enjoy the company of others and get along pretty well with most people.
26. I know I have magical abilities, which are untapped right now.
27. I have strong past-life memories or interests concerning Arthurian or Atlantean times.
28. I beleive that I was burned at the stake, or killed in some other way, during the witch hunts and Inquisition.
29. I have studied Tarot cards or astrology.
30. I am very drawn to Earth based spirituality, such as shamanism or full-moon ceremonies.


Find your Realm(s) according to which group(s) you have the most yes\\\’s in:

1 – 6        Incarnated  Angel Realm
7 –  12     Elemental Realm
13 – 18     Star  Persons
19 – 24    Walk Ins (although apparently this is more of a phenomenon than a realm)
25 – 30     Wise  One

Click here to know more about your realm. 



To accept and be who you truly are, without sorry. We are all beings of Divine Light and we are all born perfect. Our souls come right from the Source and we are connected to each other. We may be different because we come from different realms, and that’s the beauty of it. By having a deep understanding of all these, you get the chance to be the BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF and give all the best you can to the world.



You can try to take the quiz here. However, this is just a tip of the iceberg. You can get a very simple understanding out of it.

As a Certified Realm Reader, let me guide you to find out who you truly are! You can book a session with me.





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